Donation Requests

We proudly support 501(c)(3) non-profits on a quarterly basis. Please fill out the donation request form below with at least a 30 day lead time to your event. We will get back to you ASAP if we are able to contribute to your program.


Please complete the entire form below:


The fine print

Donations are only granted to qualified 501c3 non-profits.

Where applicable, all donations must be picked up within the agreed upon window. Beer donations (especially kegs) are only granted when the product is donated (not sold) at the non-profit’s event. The non-profit’s event coordinator is responsible for timely return of equipment to Long Live Beerworks, as well as supplying their own serving equipment (tables, C02, jockey box), glassware, and qualified servers to distribute the beer donated. Any donation (beer or merch) that is not distributed at the event must be returned to us within 24 hours of the end of the event. The form must be completed in entirety to be considered for a donation.